Search Results for: careers advice

- May 30, 2017
- Lorna Wild
When it comes to writing applications, it is often the specific, practical advice that we turn to first. Uni careers advisors and recruiters are great at offering tips and tricks for your cv, and a quick google search will conjure up tons of advice about everything from interview do’s and don’ts to cover letter buzzwords and transferable skills.

- May 27, 2017
- Rebecca Miller
Between throwing your cap into the air and finding your feet in the “real world,” there exists a magical time of total freedom. So it is no surprise that fleeing the country with your belongings on your back, for a few months of stress-free exploring, sounds like the perfect escape.

- May 26, 2017
- Cristina Trujillo
Volunteering at festivals works particularly well for students and other people who can’t afford the ever-rising price tag of music festivals, but also for those with a heart of gold, trying to inject some good will into society.

- May 25, 2017
- Emily Braybrooke
If you’re finishing your degree and don’t have a job lined up, don’t panic. Here are 5 reasons why stepping away from the grind for a few months might be the best thing you ever do.

- May 22, 2017
- Lucy Farrington-Smith
There are some fundamental life lessons that university degrees don't cover - and no amount of portfolios will rectify that. Here are our top points to consider before entering the workplace as a graduate - and trust us, the next five minutes' reading could be just as important as your entire degree.

- May 21, 2017
- Jen McKenzie
Successful, positive communication can benefit you and your business tremendously, but the reverse is true as well. When you are not an effective communicator, you can damage important relationships, decrease productivity in your office, and even damage the reputation of your brand.

- May 20, 2017
- Katie Smith
Fans of Black Books might be picking up some career advice along the way...

- May 19, 2017
- Katie Smith
“I can’t get a job because I have no experience because I can’t get a job because-” Sound familiar? Luckily, there are ways around the situation.

- May 18, 2017
- Gabriele Jukneviciute
Are you one of those people who dream of a well-paying job, but just can’t imagine yourself going through 3 years of university in order to start a career? No worries, a good profession doesn’t always equal a degree, as this list of 5 high paying no degree jobs will show.

- May 18, 2017
- Eleni Vlassi
While a summer internship might sound like a horrible trade-off to your much-expected vacation, the experience you will earn may very well be what will get you on your way to your dream job a few years down the line.