5 Pieces Of Advice For Your Second Term Of University

It’s already been a month of your second term. It’s a daunting thought, but also exciting: daunting because exams have come up so quickly, but exciting because this is the beginning of the rest of your life.

Here are some tips and pieces of advice that will help you get through your second term of university.


  1. PLAN!

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Get a diary! And no, not a little girly-girl diary but a day-to-day diary where you can write down to do lists and things that you have to remember. If you are anything like me then you are forgetful and without having lists. A place where you schedule your gym classes to writing down deadline dates for your homework and essays.


  1. Control the partying


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It’s not freshers week anymore and even though refreshers week does come up, remember to keep it under control. It’s not first term anymore where deadlines are far away and exams even further. Second term comes with more responsibility and more work, so it’s better to buckle down and have your priorities straight.

That’s not to say “don’t party”, but instead of going out multiple times in one week, only go out once a week or once every other week. Who needs to study with a hangover?


  1. Set your goals

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With so many things to before graduation, it is important to set your goals and ambitions. Without these, you will not be determined and worse off you won’t have anything to do after graduation. Unless, of course, you want to take a break then that is totally up to you and also an admirable thing to do. Getting through a university degree is no easy task. For example, set goals as to how many job applications you want to complete during a week and research into as many career opportunities as you can if you are not sure about what you want to do after you graduate.



  1. Calm yourself

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Stress. Stress. Stress. The one word associated with second term of university. If you remain calm, you can only accomplish more.

Go to the gym, take a bath or head out with your friends. It’s important to have the right balance between relaxing and studying.


  1. Go to your professors


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Students are often intimidated by their teachers and think going to them for help is scary. Your professor is a resource that other, less fortunate people would kill to have. And who knows? You might be able to grab some helpful exam hints.

You can do this! Push through!



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