27 Things All Students Can Relate To
- March 20, 2017
- Anna Holling
You poor, studious soul. While living the #studentlife you can be viewed pitifully for at LEAST one (probably both) of these reasons:
a) You’re dragging yourself through a rigorous academic schedule whilst trying to maintain your health, social life and other commitments, and/or
b) You are literally poor. Purchasing Heinz beans rather than the supermarket brand is treating yourself.
Never fear, my sleep-deprived friends! We’re all in this together. To prove it, here’s a list of things students everywhere can relate to. You are not alone in your suffering.
1. You skip uni, to catch up on uni.
2. ‘Due today? Do today’ becomes a motto to live by.
3. Writing to-do lists becomes your favourite faux-productive activity.
4. You never feel well rested. It doesn’t matter if you’ve had four or fourteen hours of sleep, you exist in a constant state of ‘is it nap time yet?’
5. Sometimes you scan avocados as potatoes at the self-serve checkout. We won’t tell.
6. You beat yourself up for being late to class. Then you realise that hey, at least you’re going to class.
7. You loathe high-school students taking up all the space in the library. Grr.
8. Praying you can pass without buying the £200 textbook.
9. Online lecture recordings aka your Holy Grail.
10. Eating pasta for 80% of your meals.
11. Leaving referencing to the last minute then regretting your decision when the time rolls around. MLA, APA, Harvard… they’re all similar, RIGHT?
12. Going to class all term but still not knowing the names of your classmates.
13. Pulling an all-dayer without napping – a struggle.
14. Studying for half an hour without checking your phone is an Olympic feat.
15. When the lecturer changes slides faster than Usain Bolt sprints.
16. Waking up past midday leaves you feeling incredibly guilty. Also mildly smug that you have the freedom to do so, but mostly guilty.
17. The location of your student ID card is as big a mystery as the whereabouts of your peers when you decided to tackle the group assignment. Groups tasks – diminishing faith in humanity one assessment at a time.
18. Strutting around Uni pretending to know exactly where your class is. You don’t.
19. Uber is your life raft any night of the week you’re out.
20. There may be tens of thousands of students at your Uni, but you always bump into the ones you DON’T want to see.
21. You love group study sessions, but never get much study done.
22. Sitting in the library, opening your laptop and fiddling through various tabs for an hour before leaving is perfectly acceptable.
23. Student politics.
24. Saturating your essays with grade-boosting words such as ‘thus’ to feel like Willy Shakespeare.
25. Shrugging your shoulders at a 5% late submission penalty.
26. The thought of getting to uni before 9:00am.
27. Knowing that it will all be worth it. Eventually.
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