11 Times Bernard Black Summed Up Your Job Search
- May 20, 2017
- Katie Smith
When you tire of the search after ten minutes and your inner student starts piping up:
When someone invites you out but you’ve forgotten how to function or be with people:
When you’re left waiting for a response from the company you really liked:
When you tell people about the one company that actually got back to you:
When you find out there’s a phone interview:
When your enthusiasm for your stop-gap job begins to wane:
When you didn’t properly prepare for your interview and get asked something difficult:
Whenever you plan on having a productive day:
When your parents and friends who already have jobs try to be supportive and positive about your future:
When you give the honest answer to how you’d cope in a stressful situation:
When you upload your CV and still have to fill in an online application form that takes 3 hours:
If all else fails, you might find you’re suited to working in a quirky second-hand bookshop . . .
Katie Smith is a bookworm, Firefly fan and aspiring writer. She studied English Literature at Bangor University and now lives in London.
Inspiring Interns is a graduate recruitment agency which specialises in sourcing candidates for internship jobs and giving out graduate careers advice. To hire graduates or browse graduate jobs London, visit our website.