How To Take A Productive Study Break
- May 23, 2017
- Laura Bill
Exam season is looming which means staying productive is essential. Studying for hours each day means you’ll be in need of regular study breaks.
Research has revealed that taking a break every so often can dramatically improve your attention span whilst studying. Therefore, it may be worth assessing how you can make your study breaks more productive in order to return to your work focused and refreshed.
Here are some top tips on how to make your study break productive.
Take a walk
It would be a great idea to get out in the fresh air and take a breather from your studies. Taking a brisk walk can really help boost circulation and will also increase oxygen supply in your body, giving you greater amounts of energy. Once you return to your studying, you should begin to feel much more alert rather than overwhelmed, tired and stressed.
Pre-plan your meals
Making time to eat is essential for your energy levels and a positive mental health state. Students are known to comfort eat, or in opposition – consume far too little during the high pressures of exam season. Try not to snack on junk foods all day or skip meals altogether just because you can’t face having to prepare healthy alternatives.
Your body and brain needs a certain amount of glucose to function properly. When it comes to taking a break from your studies, it may be a good idea to plan each meal for the day so you can set yourself appropriate time slots to eat.
Meditate and relax
Studying can cause a great deal of pressure on the mind and body due to the overwhelming stress of trying to large amounts of information. Meditation is all about letting go of the need to concentrate and instead, focusing on your own personal thoughts. It’s been proven to calm the mind, seek better clarity when stressed and even improve concentration levels.
Start off by carrying out breathing exercises in a calm and peaceful setting – perhaps in a separate room to where you have been studying. If your mind starts to wander, always bring your thoughts straight back to the sensations of your breathing. Regardless of whether you’re experienced or just a beginner, meditation takes time and practice but can be an extremely beneficial relaxation strategy for study breaks.
Avoid technology completely
Whilst it’s important to make time for fun activities during your study break, surfing the web and browsing social media wouldn’t be a good way of making the most of your time. Instead of boosting productivity levels, it can actually have negative effects on brain capacity and cause even further issues.
According to a 2013 study, the average student spends around 12 hours per day using technology for recreation and this can be damaging to academic activity. The study carried out in the USA revealed that those who used social media regularly on daily basis were less inclined to finish tasks and also had lower academic confidence. On the other hand, listening to music and leisurely reading were proven to be great ways of boosting academic performance – so try why not try these instead?
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