5 Things To Consider When Working With A Recruitment Agency
- July 9, 2017
- Rosetta Westbrook
If you’re looking for your first or next job, you’ve probably sent off more CVs and applications than you’ve had hot dinners – to no avail. What now? Well, contacting a recruiter may be your answer.
Recruiters act as a middle (wo)man between the candidate and employer, matching the skills and personality type of the job seeker to the appropriate company and role.
Signing up with a recruiter could be invaluable to your job search. But, to make sure you get the best out of your experience, bear in mind the following.
Be picky about who represents you
Like choosing a hairdresser, doctor or masseuse, the relationship you have with your recruiter needs to be one of trust and respect. Ensuring that their personality, skills and goals are right for you is a must.
As much as you are looking to highlight yourself and why you are employable, take the time to ask them some questions about their experience to date. Find out what sectors they recruit for and the types of roles they bring in before committing to working with them.
Be very clear about what you’re willing and not willing to do
Don’t forget that, as much as recruiters are there to help, they can’t read your mind. So be forthright from the off about what you’re looking for including the role, sector, salary, environment (corporate, creative, flexible hours), type of company (large, small, start-up) and the commute time from your home.
Make sure to also acknowledge the things you know you’re definitely not willing to do, as this is just as important in helping them to identify appropriate jobs for you. Don’t feel embarrassed to lay these things down from day one, as they will save you and the recruiter time down the line.
Don’t feel pressured
Unless you’ve gone through this process before, this type of recruitment will feel very new. When you’re being sent three potential job opportunities in one week, where you received less than that in the previous six months, there may be a temptation to say yes to everything.
If these turn into offers of interviews, that temptation level increases further still. Taking any job is not the same as taking the right job, and you should research a company before deciding whether the position is right for you.
Things to ask your recruiter for before saying yes include a comprehensive job description, salary level, opportunities for progression, location, working hours, holiday entitlement and benefits. Don’t let anyone convince you that any of these things is not important; once you’ve stepped into your new job, you may find that a long commute or lack of progression begin to grind on you.
Have the confidence to speak up
The opposite of being pressured into a role, you may find that your recruiter has missed the mark and passed over a strength, personality trait or relevant experience you know would make you ideal for a position.
If you’ve had feedback that an employer has rejected your CV for fear that you can’t perform a certain duty or don’t have the right experience to fulfil the role, but you’re convinced you do, speak up to your recruiter.
It’s in their interest to make sure the fit is right for the employer and candidate, so you need to help them to help you. You just might clinch the deal by demonstrating strength of character and belief in your abilities. Never be afraid to stand up for yourself.
Be professional
Treat your recruiter like they are the ones who will be employing you. The way you present yourself to them is exactly how they will expect you to behave in front of a potential employer. Be punctual for your initial meeting, dress as if you were going for a job interview and be polite and friendly.
Once the recruitment process is in full swing, reply to their calls and emails promptly, even if it’s to say you’re stuck in a meeting and will respond to them later. Most importantly, if you are replying to a job opportunity that you know is not for you, be diplomatic. Thank them for considering you before explaining the reasons why it’s not suitable.
And there you have it: five key things to keep in check when working with a recruiter to ensure your first, second or tenth job move is a successful one.
Inspiring Interns is a graduate recruitment agency which specialises in sourcing candidates for marketing internship roles and giving out graduate careers advice. To browse graduate jobs and graduate jobs Manchester, visit their website.