6 Simple Steps For Those Lost In The Post-Uni Wilderness
- July 6, 2017
- Zoë Downey
You’ve spent three (or more) years with your nose to the grindstone and now – finally – you’ve handed in that dissertation. The idea of freedom you’ve nursed for all those months has at last become a reality.
Where do you go from here?
While having nothing on the schedule for the first time may seem intimidating, it shouldn’t be. Here are six pieces of advice to help soon-to-be or recent grads get started on the career track.
Decide whether you want to do postgraduate study
Coming back to university doesn’t necessarily mean putting off the inevitable job search. Nor does it mean plunging yourself into further debt with few benefits.
Research has shown that candidates who have a Master’s degree have a more employable skillset and are more likely to be better paid. You’ll have a firmer grasp of your subject area than someone without that extra qualification, putting you closer to the future you really want.
Furthermore, there are plenty of postgrad degrees that allow you to study part-time and hold a job on the side. Some will even let you tick off personal goals such as a term studying abroad, further enhancing your employability.
Find out what’s out there
The job market is vast and it can be difficult to know where to start.
If you’re not sure which path to take, or if you want some friendly advice, the National Careers Service can put you in touch with an adviser whose job it is to help you find one too. Talking with an impartial person could open your mind to career options you hadn’t considered before, or perhaps even guide you in the right direction by recommending you to employers in your area.
Polish up your CV and cover letter
The purpose of a CV is to sell you to prospective employers, so it’s critical that yours is up-to-date and ready to go whenever you’re asked to present it.
Take some time to edit (and re-edit) the document now that you’ve obtained your degree. Add any previous roles you’ve held, work experience, skills, and personal hobbies which will make you stand out from the crowd.
Remember above all to customise your material for every job you go for. It will pay off in the long run – we promise!
Upload your CV to online job sites
You never know who’ll be interested in what you have to offer. Uploading your CV to several different job sites will allow you to garner interest from many prospective employers; it’s the modern equivalent of walking down the high street and handing out CVs, but far more efficient.
Create a smart and professional profile, making sure you list your qualifications, the type of work you’re looking for, and your availability. Then sit back and let your profile do the work for you.
Don’t be too picky
Don’t be afraid to test the water! It’s unlikely that you’ll walk out of university and have your dream job fall into your lap. Take opportunities that come your way which will allow you to gain valuable experience.
Work outside your comfort zone; apply for a range of positions in different sectors. Graduate schemes and internships are a good way to get your foot in the door to somewhere, as long as you don’t mind working your way up the ladder.
Finally, remember that resilience is key. You might not get the first position you apply for, but don’t lose heart. Everyone has to start somewhere and your first job won’t necessarily determine what you’ll end up doing in the future.
But know that your options aren’t limited either
You’ve just finished a Bachelor’s, which is no small achievement. If possible, take a little time out to enjoy your newfound freedom! This is your moment to explore and find out what you want from life. It’s an exciting prospect, one which you haven’t been presented with before.
While you may feel pressured to find a perfect job right away, don’t feel that you have to take the first thing that comes along. Think carefully about the end goal – forging the pathway to your ideal career – and look for something within or related to your field. Even if it isn’t the exact thing you’d like to be doing forever, the likelihood is you’ll find something that will lead you towards the future you want.
Inspiring Interns is a graduate recruitment agency which specialises in sourcing candidates for marketing internship roles and giving out graduate careers advice. To browse graduate jobs and graduate jobs Manchester, visit their website.