How To Balance Part-Time Work At Uni
- October 30, 2017
- Haleema Khokhar
The cost of living is always on the rise for students. Loans don’t usually last the whole semester and not all students can or want to rely on their parents for financial support. Sometimes, the only option can be to take on a part-time job.
Balancing a job and getting your degree can be tough. Still, it’s doable. It will look great on your CV and be evidence of the fact that you can prioritise workloads. Here are a few ways you can strike the right balance.
Don’t overdo it
Don’t commit to doing something crazy like over 30 hours a week. How many hours you choose to work all depends on how much free time you have and how much you can take on without feeling overwhelmed.
Generally, if you’re a full-time student, ten hours per week is recommended. However anything up to 20 hours can be doable; it all depends on your uni timetable.
It’s important that you consider whether you’re willing to work weekends – or do you only want to do evenings? Which days are a definite no and which days are you able to put in a longer shift? Consider all these factors and make sure that, whatever you choose, you make it clear during interviews.
Use your time productively
One of the positives of taking on a part-time job at uni is that you’ll be forced to spend your time more wisely. Any time when you’re not working, dedicate it to your studies first and foremost. The fact that you’ve got the responsibility of a job will help you use your studying time more efficiently.
Just by making a few changes and implementing some good habits, you’ll become a productivity pro. Once you make a few changes to how you use your time, the positive impact on work/uni/life balance will be clear to see.
Use your holidays wisely
Christmas, Easter and summer breaks are times when you can really pack the hours in and save some money for term-time. However, holidays may be better put to use gaining some relevant work experience by during an internship.
If you’re contemplating doing more part-time work or taking on a internship, just ask yourself what’s more important to you: cash in your pocket to help you through term, or relevant work experience that will come in handy after you graduate?
Indulge in some ‘me time’
Self-care is extremely important for everyone. However, for a student working part-time and juggling deadlines it can be particularly easy to neglect yourself.
Make sure you give yourself a break and enjoy some down time. Go out with your friends, enjoy a spa day or treat yourself to something new; after all, you’ve earned it.
Don’t suffer in silence
If it gets too stressful juggling work and uni, the worst thing you can do is keep it to yourself. Remember to talk to your tutor, friends or family if you’re struggling to cope. Sometimes all you need is a good chat and some tweaks to your routine to help get you back to feeling your best.
At the end of the day, everyone is different. Take some time to decide if working part-time is really worth it for you. Then get out there and make it work!
Haleema Khokhar also known as Kimi (a college nickname that stayed) is a journalism graduate working in the world of marketing and freelance writing. She loves animals, dance and a strong cup of tea. Check out her website and Twitter at @MyImpression_ you can also check out her personal Twitter at @KimiKhokhar
Inspiring Interns is a graduate recruitment agency which specialises in sourcing candidates for marketing internship roles and giving out graduate careers advice. To browse graduate jobs and graduate jobs Manchester, visit their website.