Bullying At Uni: How To Overcome The Problem
- December 13, 2017
- George Moss
Did you know that more than 61 per percent of UK school staff have witnessed racist bullying, with the heavy torment starting at early ages? Unfortunately, for many people this is only the beginning, as the insults can extend beyond the playground. Beginning in school and lasting potentially into adulthood, some folks make the mistake of thinking that bullying is something they should simply get used to or deal with alone.
There is never an excuse for hateful behaviour, whether performing it or permitting it. It’s long past time to counter this culture. Here’s how to eradicate bullying at your university.
Bullying for ‘the bants’?
Particularly in the UK, banter is often recognised as sine qua non of social interaction. After all, the closest group of buddies are often to be found hurling insults at each other without worry, upset or concern. It’s understandable, but not always acceptable.
Overcoming bullying doesn’t mean that the bullied should grow tougher and mature into mistreatment; it means the bullies have to stop. Just ‘having a laugh’ or ‘joking around’ is no excuse for hurting someone’s feelings, and fun should never come at the expense of another’s misery. If this is you, stop it. Your intelligence should be measured by your course, not the level of ‘wit’ it took to slander someone who may just want to be your friend.
If you’re on the receiving end of this behaviour, you’re not any less fun for asking these bullies to stop. It ceases to be a joke when you’re no longer laughing, so stick up for yourself and keep your head held high. No one deserves to be the scapegoat of the social group.
Wellbeing: a team effort
The words of bullies can be meaningless to those who know how to tackle their toxicity. It takes a while to build up those mental and emotional barriers, but when life is going great the opinions of these people soon become worthless.
Understandably, many victims of bullying can feel vulnerable at university. Away from and certain friends and family, the isolating affects of being targeted this way can feel doubled or tripled. Of course, you’re not alone. Friends can take you a long way, but the professionals can help you cope too.
Many universities throughout the country come equipped with a wellbeing service, meaning that someone is always on hand to listen to your problems and keep you in touch with your true self. By breaking down the pain and gaining some expert advice for moving forward, the wellbeing team will do well by you. Ultimately, it’s maintenance on your self esteem, something you deserve to have a high supply of.
A stopper on social media
The online realm gives degenerates free reign. When it’s all tallied up, the internet can be a darker and scarier place than Mordor. You’re not crazy for wanting a break now and then.
Blocking abusive accounts, privatising your own or stepping away from the computer – it all works. If the harasser continues to besmirch your name to their followers, take action. Print out your evidence and take it on up to campus. Universities are instilled with a cyber bullying policy, meaning that reporting such behaviour can see the perpetrator punished or even suspended.
Ultimately, it’s important to realise that you’re not powerless and nor is your institution. Action can be taken, and positive results are possible if you bite the bullet and take that first step.
They are not stronger than you
Generally speaking, bullies target the best kinds of people, niceness wrongly interpreted as weakness. In a twisted kind of way, being bullied probably means you are actually doing something right in how you behave.
You’ve gone to university and you’ve grown up. Whatever your situation, you’re you and that’s nothing short of great. To have that individuality and to seek that adult independence takes guts. Put your courage at the forefront of your mind, and realise any naysayers are spouting immature lies and not hard truths. Finish it all off by congratulating yourself – you made it to university, and are keen to be a good person!
Good luck out there, and remember that you matter!
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