Deck The (Student) Halls: Spending The Christmas Holidays By Yourself
- December 5, 2017
- Xiomara Meyer
And it’s finally here. The last students have finished packing their bags, the car parks are empty and the student halls resonate with something you never thought you’d hear: silence.
Still, sometimes you can’t get home for the winter holidays. Maybe it’s money, that your country is too far away, or you just don’t want to. This doesn’t mean that you can’t make the most of what you do have!
Winter attractions
These flare up like crazy during the season. Common attractions include some version of Winter Wonderland (depending where in the UK you are), skating rings, the omnipresent pantomimes, shopping destinations and more.
If you’re in London, you’ll find these all over the place! And don’t worry if you think you need to go to these things with someone. Exploring the Christmas markets at your own pace is relaxing; it also gives you a chance to really see any stalls you want.
Also, whoever said you need a companion to go to the theatre? Nonsense!
Go on a local trip
Many agencies offer great deals for the holiday seasons, especially if it’s one of those nice day trips. If you’re the tourist type, why not book yourself an outing?
There are market towns, seaside villages, national reserves, castles, lakes and more! Many of these trips include transport, guided tours, and maybe even lunch depending on what deal you book and how much you’re willing to spend. They average around £150 or less and, while this might sound like a lot, you can make it your own present to yourself.
An advantage of these trips, aside from exploring the country and getting out the house, is that you get to meet new people. Disclaimer: if you’re feeling economically adventurous, why not go on a solo euro trip?
Find a job
Yeah, we know this sounds counterproductive to the whole “holiday” vibe, think about it it. Most businesses go into panic mode when the festive season comes around. They need staff and they need people to work during the days nobody else wants to.
While this might sound like a drag, it’s also a great opportunity to make yourself busy and earn a bit of money? Seasonal work is great; not only is it easy to find, but it also tends to pay quite well.
Rejoice in your own company
Make this a ‘treat yo’self’ kinda day. Within reason, go for a shopping spree. Don’t worry about your diet; Christmas is always a cheat day.
Forget about the whole cliché of “spending Christmas alone is sad” – a dumb misconception at best, especially if you don’t see it as a traditional holiday to begin with. Instead, devote this day to you and only you. Make it as relaxing as you want, and do all the things you can’t do during the uni term.
When it all goes back to chaos and stress and deadlines and somebody drunkenly shouting outside your window on a weeknight, you’ll wish you had the place to yourself again.
Inspiring Interns is an internship and graduate jobs agency.