3 Top Tips On How To Ask For A Pay Rise At Work
- January 21, 2018
- Haleema Khokhar
Most companies review salaries once a year. Some grant employees a Christmas bonus – or even a birthday one if they’re really generous.
While that’s all well and good, some people want more than just the occasional cash-dump. Been working in your job for a while, enjoy what you do and genuinely see a future there? Think you deserve a pay rise? There’s only one thing to do: ask.
Deciding when and how to approach your boss, how much to ask for and what to say to back up your argument all need scareful thought and consideration. Here are are three tips on how to ask for a pay rise…
Do your research
First things first: research your employer’s pay practices and the market pay rate for your job.
Read your employee handbook. If policy states that your employer only reviews salaries annually and there’s no scope to discuss it sooner, then at least you know. There are many reasons these types of polices exist, including as an assurance that all employees are treated equally. Don’t be disheartened; use the time to plan so that, when the review does come up, you’re ready for it.
Research average market pay rates for your job. Look at job ads and salary offers. If you’re already paid above your market pay rate, then negotiating a pay rise will probably be difficult.
Set up a meeting
Talking about a pay rise isn’t something you’d do over email. You need to set up an official meeting to discuss it properly.
When setting up the meeting, ensure you choose your timing wisely. Avoid Monday mornings or Friday afternoons. You want to approach your boss when it’s not too busy and make sure you’re also feeling relaxed before you ask.
You don’t have to say beforehand that the meeting is about your salary. If asked, state that it’s concerning your job role and progress within the company.
Prepare your case
Negotiating a pay rise can be nerve-racking. The more prepared you are, the more confident you’ll feel. At the end of the day you need to show your boss that your contribution to the company is worth more than your current salary. Things to make a note of include:
- Instances where you’ve gone above and beyond your current job description.
- Make a list of any ideas you contributed which were implemented.
- Determine how your accomplishments have helped the company in ways such as cost savings, efficiency improvements, helping staff development and other important projects where your input was crucial.
Remember: the stronger the case you present, the better your chances are of getting what you want. Use every possible advantage to help your case. Draw attention to the fact you love your job and see a future at the company.
Your salary isn’t just about paying the bills and making a living. Feeling under-appreciated at work can affect your confidence and mental wellbeing. If your employer isn’t willing to give you a pay rise then it may be time to move on.
Remember: even if you do decide to look for another job, always remain professional with your current employer. You never know when your paths might cross again and it would be a shame to burn bridges.
Good luck!
Haleema Khokhar (or Kimi to friends) is a journalism graduate working as a Freelance Content Writer. When she’s not writing she loves to dance and has a passion for fashion. She adores all animals and if she weren’t a writer she would have become a vet. Check out her website at myimpressiononline.com and give it a follow on Twitter at @MyImpression. Also pop by her personal Twitter and say hello at @KimiKhokhar.
Inspiring Interns is a recruitment agency specialising in all the internships and graduate jobs London has to offer.