From Learning To Earning: Making The Transition From University To Working
- February 22, 2018
- Nichola Rae
After surviving on your student loan for three years, there’s no doubt that you’ll be looking forward to moving on into the world of proper wages and greater independence.
Although making the transition from university to the world of full time employment is an exciting time, it’s a big change that can find many people feeling a little lost and out of their depth.
You may have held down a part time or Saturday job while you were at university, you may find that a full time job is very different with much greater responsibilities and expectations from your employers.
We’ve put together the following tips to help smooth the way into the next phase of your life.
Tired and emotional
Although you no doubt worked hard at university, the pace is often quite laid back with timed periods of work followed by regular breaks. When beginning your first full time job, it can be a shock to the system with early starts followed by eight hours of work with only an hour’s break.
This change in the routine can leave people feeling tired and dispirited with some struggling to concentrate.
Make sure you get to bed at a reasonable time to help you adjust to your new alarm call.
A power breakfast will help with energy levels – porridge or eggs will provide energy and keep you full until lunch. Experiment with breakfast ideas that you can prepare the night before to save you time in the morning.
You wear it well
After three years of spending your days in jeans and converses, you may find that your new job requires you to up your game when it comes to daytime dressing.
When first beginning work, you may find that your working wardrobe is limited compared to that of your new colleagues who’ve been earning longer than you have.
It’s unlikely on leaving university that you’ll have the budget for a whole new work wardrobe and there are only so many times a week you can wear those black trousers.
Invest in a couple of pieces that can be worn different ways – a classic sleeveless dress can be worn alone, over a crisp shirt or polo neck or as a skirt and top.
In the money
You’ve successfully completed the first month of your new job and it’s finally pay-day. After scrimping to get through your first month, it’s natural to have the urge to splurge.
As your first foray into the full time working world, you may find the new routine restrictive and frustrating but you’ll soon get into the swing of things. Now that you’ve survived your first month, it’s time to celebrate – but, at the weekend of course!
Inspiring Interns is a recruitment agency specialising in all the paid internships and graduate jobs London has to offer.