How To Save Your Student Loan This Valentines
- February 8, 2018
- Nikita Murva
Cupid is upon us. We all know it’s nice to receive presents on Valentine’s, but giving them is not always so easy when you’re on a super tight budget.
February the 14th is such an important day, as it is the Feast of Saint Valentine and classed as the celebration of love and affection?
In Wales, lovers traditionally exchange a handcrafted ‘love’ spoon as a symbol for affection – whereas in the Philippines couples will have mass weddings. Women in South Africa will pin the names of their crushes onto their sleeves, whilst single ladies in Brazil will perform a ritual, asking St. Anthony for a husband.
How can you buy your loved ones gifts and still have some leftover dosh for basics like food? Listen up for some quick ways to pinch pennies.
Get in there early
With Valentines fast approaching, gifts can be expensive. Roses, posh chocolates and gift sets can set you back a lot of money. As the day draws closer, gift prices go up and up.
You can save yourself a lot of money by purchasing gifts earlier. Look for gifts at any point when you have a bit of money to spare and save them for Valentines
Try picking up small items early or if they’re on sale, particularly in the January Sales. There’s also no harm in buying stock gifts without a particular person in mind; everyone needs a scented candle or new pair of socks!
Lots of small gifts > one large gift
Everyone will know you’re a student and that you are NOT going to be buying them Louboutin’s or the Nintendo Switch. Opting for several smaller shows your appreciation and won’t drain your purse.
Examples of great token gifts include:
- socks
- photo frames
- a book
- a CD
- earrings
- chocolate.
Keep your eyes peeled for deals
A bunch of deals tend to pop up around New Year to make life easier for all the elves out there shopping. Opt for multi deals or gift sets to get better value for money.
Remember to look on the NUS Extra website to see where you get student discount from and use those stores to your advantage. Every penny counts.
Shops love occasions so they will be stuffed with deals and lower prices on awesome gifts for your loved ones.
Get crafty
Once again, it’s not about what you buy – it’s that you thought of your gift recipient at all. Making a gift can be an even better option to demonstrate your appreciation.
Use your skills and create something personal from you. Try throwing together a photo album, scrapbook, poem, cookies or similar. Home can be the best place to shop sometimes!
A handmade gift is definitely more heartfelt. Instead of that Clinton’s card that hundreds will send and receive, your homemade card will be one of it’s kind.
Single and NOT ready to mingle?
Staying in? Seeing friends?
Why not have your mates over for a cheap night in? Each bring a dish so you don’t have to spend on groceries for everyone! Hit the Poundshop for snacks instead. Make your own facemasks through leftover fridge bits or paint your nails instead.
Going out? Look online for cheap deals, 2-for-1s or split the bill between friends. The more friends – the bigger the save (sometimes)!
Inexpensive gift guide:
- Wine
- A homemade dinner
- Tokens/vouchers
- Underwear
- Jewellery
- Poetry
- a photo montage or photo of you two together in a frame
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Nikita studied English with Creative Writing at Brunel University London. Her loves include literature, travelling and writing. She is a spiritual soul and a bit of a wanderer. Stalk her on Twitter, Instagram and her own website. She currently writes for Inspiring Interns, which specialises in sourcing candidates for internships and graduate jobs.