4 Starting Points To Making A Good First Impression
- May 21, 2018
- Harriet Mills
Whether you’re heading to an interview, starting a new job or going on a first date with someone you really like, first impressions are crucial. They have the potential to shape people’s opinions on you, so you want to get them right. It may seem like a huge effort at first but if you can nail that first encounter, you’ll be at an advantage from then onward.
Here are a few things to remember so that you give the best initial portrayal of yourself that you can.
Be confident but not overly so
Confidence is a great thing and something that will play in your favour, especially from the offset. Even if you don’t feel like the most confident of people, you can put on a mini act that makes you look that way. In other words, confidence can be performed and though people will continuously tell you to be true to yourself, sometimes a little deception can go a long way.
They key thing to remember though is not to take this too far that you become cocky. Cockiness and confidence are entirely different. Confidence is a good trait when done correctly, cockiness on the other hand won’t get you very far at all. Especially if you’re the new kid on the block, people will steer clear of arrogance.
Enthusiasm is key
No matter how you feel, always be enthusiastic. Whether you’re in the company of friends, family or employers, this will always stand out and make people like you more. In work it’ll show an amount of interest in what you’re doing which in turn will lead to improved performance, exactly what employers want.
If you’re enthusiasm shows from the beginning, you’ll make friends at work quicker, fit into the team and people will be willing to help you learn and develop as your enthusiasm will draw them in, making you more approachable.
Turn up looking the part and keen to get stuck into any task that needs completing, you will stand out from the rest.
Look and act professional
Obviously certain working environments are more professional than others but especially on your first day and during the interview process, be professional. This means dressing smart but also in your mannerisms too.
You may find in time that the working atmosphere is a lot more relaxed than you originally deemed it, but if you begin with a professional mindset then you’ll gain respect from your colleagues and management.
Boost the company at any given opportunity but not too much that you seem as though you’re sucking up. Admit mistakes and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Use the correct etiquette for the particular workspace and judge it over time so that you get it right. If you show commitment to the company, they will be committed to you.
Always smile
Make a huge effort to consciously be jolly and smile. Your facial expressions will tell a lot about you and if you start off with a face like a wet weekend then people will find it difficult to approach you making the whole working mood a lot harder for everyone.
We all have days when we could just curl up under a duvet and not face the world, but everybody has to get out and put a smile on their face. It’ll make people around you feel better and you’ll feel better for it too.
Most importantly, be ready for your first day, your interview or even your date if it’s important to you. Get enough sleep so that you have the energy and eat a good breakfast to prepare you to go in and make the best first impression that you possibly can. It may seem tiring in the process, but it’ll benefit you massively and will be noted by those who matter. For more tips and skills to help you out, follow this link.
Harriet Mills is an English Literature and Creative Writing graduate based at her hometown near Cambridge. She is an aspiring writer interested in features and travel writing. She is keen to pursue copywriting as a career as well as maintaining her position as a freelance writer. For more of her story check out her personal website.
Inspiring Interns is a recruitment agency specialising in all the internships and graduate jobs London has to offer.