Why We Use Video CVs
- May 18, 2018
- Marketing Team
Video CVs have become increasingly popular among job-seekers, shaking up the traditional recruitment process of writing a paper resumé and cover letter and sending them off by email or snail mail.
New graduates and younger generations have been quick to realise the incredible power of a video CV and, when done well, they can have a huge advantage over the paper equivalent.
Now and then we have to sing our own praises, and in this case it would be fair to say that Inspiring Interns has been ahead of the game when it comes to video CVs.
We know how hard it can be for graduates and intern candidates to stand out from the crowd, but with our help you can get one up on the competition.
When you join us, we help you put together your own filmed CV to boost your chances of getting the job you want – so here’s why we use them.
They Show You’re a Serious Contender
A video CV shows commitment to your application. Some job sites allow you to just copy and paste a CV as a Word document, which can mean recruiters get hundreds of candidates who are simply applying not because they’re suited to the role, but because the process has been made too easy. A video CV shows you’ve taken the time to write a script, set up the equipment and film your piece, tailored to the position you’re after.
They Show a More Human Side
How much do recruiters feel they get to know a candidate from looking over a typed document? Answer: very little. It’s hard to inject your personality or enthusiasm into a single side of A4, and most written resumés end up a little lifeless and clinical. When you do a piece to camera you can really show off a spark of personality, and seeing you onscreen makes you more of a person, less of an application number.
They Show You’re Tech Savvy
These days, there are no industries which don’t rely on technology to a greater or lesser extent. Those under 35 are much more likely to embrace new technologies and be quicker to pick them up, but by putting together a video CV you can show rather than tell potential employers that you’re tech savvy. Writing about your technology skills on paper is all well and good, but actually putting them on show is infinitely better.
They Take Some of the Pressure Off
Answering questions in an interview can be extremely stressful, and if you’re already anxious and ruffled you’re more likely to trip up somehow. A video CV means you can answer most of the questions they would be likely to ask you at your own pace and in a more controlled environment. That means if you are called to an interview and don’t feel you’ve done as well as you should, there’s always the video CV to fall back on.
They Look Professional
Mistakes some candidates make when filming a CV alone include filming against an untidy background, shuffling paper or their speech being muffled. A well put-together video CV is one which is neat, clear and slick, which is where we can help. We’ve helped hundreds of aspiring interns film professional video CVs, and they’ve certainly helped them land great placements in some big name companies.
Little wonder, then, that forward-thinking HR managers and recruitment organisations are looking to video CVs as the future. In an age when we’re all increasingly reliant on technology, social media and recording all other aspects of our lives, it makes sense that video CVs are the way to go. If you want to stand out from the crowd and land that dream internship or graduate job, then join us today and we’ll get the cameras rolling.
Lizzie Exton writes for Inspiring Interns, which specialises in finding candidates their perfect internship. To browse our graduate jobs, visit our website.