How to quit a job you hate
- August 11, 2018
- Rachel Cleverley
It’s Monday, it’s 7am, and your alarm is going off, but you just can’t bring yourself to get out of bed. Your weekend of carefree bliss is behind you, and it’s time to do another 5-day slog at a job you loathe. But how to quit a job you hate?
Unfortunately, it’s estimated that over 16% of Brits either dislike or hate their job – a shocking statistic when you think about it. But what’s even worse, is how many people find it difficult to do something about it…
So, if you hate your job and are thinking of quitting, this article is for you. There are a few steps to take in order to make it as painless as possible – for both you and your boss – and how to leave on the best terms.
But, before you quit…
Try to make it work
Before you make and drastic decisions, really think about it; the reasons why you hate your job, and if there are any ways you could improve your situation while you’re there before jumping ship. Similar to being in a relationship, you shouldn’t quit a job before you’ve tried to make it work. Ask yourself; would transferring to another team help? How about working different hours? Is it a certain co-worker or manager that you don’t get on with, or do you not enjoy the actual work you do? Once you’ve established these things, it will be easier to build your case if you do decide to go, or help you to make any changes that will ensure a more enjoyable 9-5.
Make sure you can afford it
The moment you resign, your budgets and disposable income will take a hit. Even if you have some savings to fall back on, it’s worth sitting down and properly doing the maths to figure out how soon you need to find a new job. Make a monthly or weekly budget and stick to it. It may mean foregoing that boozy night out with your friends, or skipping your usual morning latte, but if there is no immediate pay check on the horizon, then every little helps!
Don’t lose motivation
Continuing to put in hard graft when you hate your job is hard, especially if you are working your notice period. But remember to not slack off too much, as you want to leave a lasting (and positive) impression on the company you are leaving behind. The last thing you want to happen is to get fired before you’re ready to go! So stay professional and it will reflect better on you in the long run.
HR is your friend
Your company should have a HR advisor, and this is your time to use them! Tell them exactly why you are thinking of leaving, and they will often try to help resolve some of your issues, or put you in touch with someone who can! Make an appointment and prepare exactly what you want to say beforehand, so as not to miss anything. You never know, they could hold they key to your job happiness without you needing to leave…
Once you’re ready to go
Sharing is caring
Once you’ve made up your mind that it’s time to jump ship, share your thoughts with those close to you, to make sure they agree with your decision and you’re not blinkered by any circumstances or situations at work. As much as you may trust and get on with some colleagues, try and refrain from turning to them for this, and confide in a partner or family member instead! It’s also particularly unwise to vent your frustrations on social media. Steer clear of Twitter and Facebook, as future employers may be able to see these posts!
Get that CV ready
Perfect the art of self-selling! In the not-too-distant future, you’ll be applying for a lot of roles and sending your CV out to a whole host of potential employers, so make sure it’s up to date and reflecting your experience in the best possible light. Update your LinkedIn account, too, as many companies use this to check out your experience. Our tip is to get as many references, links to your work, and recommendations from previous co-workers as you can, to make yourself as desirable (in a work-sense!) as possible.
Don’t overload your schedule
Once you have some interview dates stacking up, try not to overload your days with too many interviews. They can be quite stressful and it may take you a day or two between meetings to get your head back into the next one. So take it slow, go at your own pace, and ensure you are putting your best food forward each time.
Rachel Cleverley writes for Inspiring Interns, which specialises in finding candidates their perfect graduate jobs. To browse our internships London listings, visit our website.