Important things most freshers forget!
- September 16, 2018
- Victoria Nufer
Your enrolment is fast approaching. You’re packed and ready to go… but wait! Isn’t there something you’re forgetting? Probably not, you reason in an attempt to subside the nagging thought. Everyone feels under-prepared and you are certain you truly made sure you were prepared! But did you? Here are a few handy last-minute checks most students forget before they enrol.
In the UK healthcare is easy and simple, your parents sign you up to a GP or a dentist and you don’t have to worry. Then again, once you move to Uni you’ll probably be living in a brand new postcode outside of your current healthcare remit!
What happens if you fall ill or need to use these services? Travel all the way home? Or wait hours in a walk-in?
These options seem far more hassle than simply signing up to a GP local to your University. It’s usually as simple as filling out an online form and many freshers fairs will hand out printouts you can fill in and drop off at the practice! So save yourself the trouble later and sign up now!
Dentist, too!
Furthermore, students often forget the importance of their teeth. Late nights and high sugared drink wreak havoc on your ivories. In the UK you have free dental healthcare up until 18, or 19 if you’re still in full-time education. So don’t neglect your teeth! Try and sign up with a dentist also. Even if you’re older, a checkup usually only costs around £20 and you get a good, thorough and deep clean thrown in! Upkeeping your oral health will also save you money in the long run.
If you are 18 and going into higher education, make sure you get an eye test while you’re still in College or Sixth Form as if needed, glasses are free on the NHS to you!
Most students bring the essentials with them, like clothes and books and furnishings for their rooms. But, many forget that when they arrive at their halls of residence the cupboards will be empty. Sure, you can go shopping once you’ve unpacked but why go to the trouble when you could be making friends? Bring some cupboard staples with you to make sure you have food covered for a few days, so all you need to worry about is having fun!
Check cleanliness
Much like food, cleaning products can be picked up once you arrive. However, as you unpack you might want to spruce up your environment which might need a little TLC. Bring some staple cleaning products along with you: a few cloths, toilet bleach, a multi-purpose anti-bac spray, maybe some polish, an air freshener and loo roll. There’ll be nothing like rolling in late during freshers week to a room that’s clean and fresh! You’ll be the envy of all your housemates!
Check mundane household objects
It’s easy as a fresher to get caught up in the fun of parties and long nights, but don’t forget these essentials when packing or you could get caught out! Bringing these select things along with you could save you the panic of having to run out and source them when needed and save you money that is better spent elsewhere:
Batteries, superglue or tape, bath/shower mat (you don’t want any accidents), trash can, iron (anything hard and flat could be used as an ironing board), door stop (useful to keep your door wide open and inviting), power strip (there might only be a few plugs), printer (saves late night trips to the library) and a sewing kit/mini toolbox!
Most importantly make sure you arrive already safe and covered. Insure your expensive items such as laptops or musical equipment, just in case of any unfortunate events. Make sure you have all your keys, you still want to be able to let yourself into your family home and that your ID is up to date and kept in a special place, maybe you could invest in a safe or some of these handy gadgets! Bring along protection and try to be on some form of birth control if you are/ plan to be sexually active.
But most importantly have fun!
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