8 Signs that Your Video CV Internship Interview Went Well
- June 16, 2021
- Marketing Team
As much as graduate job and internship interviews are stressful, waiting to hear back about them for days afterward is just as bad!
So how can you settle your nerves and review the situation? How do you know if your video interview bombed or went really well?
Firstly, waiting to hear back for a few days isn’t necessarily a bad sign. Recruiters and employers can take ages coming to big decisions like who should be hired.
Just because you were not offered the job on the spot doesn’t mean that you won’t be offered it soon.
You had a good conversation with the internship Employer
Interviews are just regular conversations you have in business casual clothes.
So was it a good one? Did you and the interviewer chat about things and have good back and forth?
If you managed to build a good rapport with an interviewer, it’s a very good sign that you could be getting a job offer letter soon.
You relate to the internship employer and company
People love hiring for culture fit, which is just a fancy way of saying they like to hire people like themselves.
If you and an interviewer bond over your dissertation subject for instance, it’s a very good sign that they like you as a person.
Positive affirmations about starting the internship
If your interviewer mentioned that they think you’ll be a great fit, that’s probably what they believe!
Your interviewer won’t lie to you, so if they tell you nice things they probably really believe them.
Positive affirmations, for example commenting that your answer was good or that you have the right kind of personality they’re looking for, are a great sign!
Read their body language
Was your interviewer looking at their phone or constantly down at their notes?
Or were they engaged, focused on you and smiling?
Body language can show us a lot about what a person is thinking. It can even give you a hint as to whether you’re impressing them or leaving your interviewers bored.
You felt prepared
Do you feel like you answered every question quite well? Did you manage to give a confident answer each time?
If the answer to those questions is yes, then you probably came across as confident and well prepared!
These are obviously great things in an interview.
So if you felt prepared, you can afford to be optimistic about receiving a job offer.
You asked questions
One of the worst things to happen in an interview is when all of the questions you wanted to ask are answered before you get to pitch them.
When you run out of questions to ask before you’ve even begun, it’s never a good sign.
Questions show curiosity, deeper thinking skills and what your priorities are in finding a role. So if you managed to ask at least two insightful questions, you should be in the clear.
Talk turned to dates
If your interviewer began talking about the next interview or even your start dates, this is usually a sign that things are going great.
They wouldn’t bring these things up if they didn’t think you had a good shot at the role!
Your interview went overtime
If your 20 minute chat turned into a 40 minute meeting, it’s a great sign.
Interviewers won’t want to waste their time talking to someone they don’t like.
So if they take the time to ask extra questions or have a genuine conversation with you in your interview it’s a great thing.
An interview finishing a few minutes early isn’t a great sign, but when it goes over by even a few minutes it usually means great things for you.
Your next steps…
It’s always a good idea to send a follow-up email to your interviewer to thank them for their time and mention something nice about the meeting. Whether it’s simply the welcome you received or something they said, this will stand out far more than a simple thank-you note.
If after a few weeks of your internship interview you’re still waiting to hear back, be bold and give your interviewer a quick call to see how things are going. Try to stick to one or two emails and one call though. The last thing you want to do is harass your prospective employer!
You need to make the best impression to land this job.
Daisy Hanson creates content for DigitalGrads, the graduate training and recruitment platform for the tech industry. To view their junior roles, check out their website.