How To Keep Your Student Property Spick and Span
- July 20, 2017
- George Moss
Students rightly revel in the glitz and glamour of uni life, but sometimes the basics then fall by the way side. However, messy houses can lead to stress, and in the midst of exam seasons this simply won’t do.
At University, expectations are constantly at war with reality, and reality packs a punch. The enormous pile of smelly clothes or dirty dishes can seem frightening to face. However, in breaking it down the workload becomes much more manageable…
1. Squad up!
There’s no task teamwork can’t tackle! Put aside those niggling differences and work toward a common goal.
While everyone can be responsible for their own room, areas such as the kitchen, bathrooms, gardens and living room are used by all of you. If your landlord should find them in poor condition, chances are your deposit may not be returned. Team work is a great way forward here, and can even make the grind somewhat social.
You don’t even have to be cleaning side by side. As a more frequent ‘do it as you go’ method, cleaning rotas can create a reliable system in a house of unpredictable students. Band everyone together under the cleaning laws of your property, and things (theoretically) should stay on track.
2. Clean any spillages straight away.
Leaving everything to the last minute is a common student tendency. However, when it comes to cleaning in particular, the sooner done the better.
Mess gets worse the longer its left. From spills to smells, cleaning any dirty surfaces straight away will make a quicker job in the long run. Scrub that stain before it works its way into your life forever! The more you wait, the more problems you’ll create.
3. Stock up
Anything is better than a last minute scramble when it comes to cleaning. In a frantic panic you might find yourself mopping the carpet, and you’ll only have a squelchy walk of shame away from that disaster.
You need to be equipped with all the right tools and be thorough. After spilling the red wine, you need to spring into action immediately, not shopping for cleaning supplies or ringing up your mates begging to borrow the Cilit Bang.
There’s a seperate system for every type of stain out there. You must be the defender of cleanliness, a last bastion against the forces of slovenliness. Arm yourself!
4. Make someone else do it
Okay, so despite your best intentions, everything has gone to pot. You let all the grime pile up and now you’re – quite literally – in a mess.
While you might hate yourself for using cleaning services, chances are professional cleaners will work harder to make sure your home is truly spotless. Moreover, some landlords even demand professional cleaners. After all, they might spruce up something you’ve missed!
Sometimes professionals are needed, given what some students can get up to. However, professionals are everything you’re supposed to be; observant, hard working and responsible. Tell yourself it’s for the cleaning economy or that a landlord will appreciate it, and that feeling of cumbersome guilt will soon fade.
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