5 Reasons To Actually Visit Your On-Campus Careers Team!
- July 21, 2017
- George Moss
Much of university can be spent burying thought for the future under hours of Netflix and nights out. After all, the prospect of finding a suitable career can seem nigh on impossible for those studying certain subjects.
Thankfully, your university will have an on-campus careers team who can guide you through the worst. Whether it’s an idea for a potential career or an actual job opportunity, there are many great reasons to get involved with the ones who know it all.
1. They’re there to help you!
The student matters most at university. Everything about the careers staff is tailored to make your experience better, and help secure your future.
Whether it’s personally emailing internship opportunities or providing one-to-one mentoring, you’re likely to find a jolt of inspiration. You can simply tell them what you enjoy doing, and they’ll assemble a potential career path for you to consider.
Moreover, careers teams build a wide array of services. You can even fix up your CV with some professional know-how, giving you an edge in the hiring room! The future can be scary, but with a careers team behind you you’ll soon feel more terrific than terrified.
2. They’re looking out for numero uno
Okay, there’s an ulterior motive too. Frankly, your university won’t look so good if a number of their graduates are out of work. With poor performance comes a bad reputation, a decline in admissions and, consequently, results.
As much as uni is a place for creativity and freedom, there is a business side to the institutions too. Amidst all the fun and partying, university has a clear purpose: to prepare students for the outside world. Put simply, it is the careers team’s job to help you. It’s what they’re paid to do, and that incentive alone is enough for them to get up and show up.
Of course, there’s the argument that the degrees themselves should be more work-oriented. However, the work of the careers team is to make sure you get that support that you need for your work. After all, they have something at stake themselves!
3. They organise the careers fairs
Organised by careers teams, Careers Fairs are beacons of opportunity. Here, careers teams pluck out the best employers they can to come and have a look at you, making plenty of useful contacts along the way. An opportunity to network could possibly land you your first job, and it’ll all be thanks to the folks down in careers.
Of course, there are those that argue that careers fairs are a waste of time. However, there’s more to be gained at careers fairs than a job opportunity. How about new skills, advice and inspiration?
4. They have their own experiences to share
Careers advisers don’t simply read from a powerpoint presentation like most lecturers. They have a wealth of personal experiences to share, as well as a diverse pool of opinions.
Of course, some job advisors go about the practice entirely the wrong way. With experience may come mean-spiritedness, often disguised as ‘a dose of reality’. However, good careers advisers can employ their own contacts and experiences to find a way round any road blocks, sharing their personal knowledge and wisdom to go the extra mile.
Careers advisers are even established online, constantly connected to the world of employment. With a personal stake in your future, the wisdom of the careers adviser is yours to utilise as much as you like.
Inspiring Interns is a graduate recruitment agency which specialises in sourcing candidates for marketing internship roles and giving out graduate careers advice. To browse graduate jobs and graduate jobs Manchester, visit their website.