How To Prepare For A Phone Interview
- November 10, 2017
- Haleema Khokhar
Interview processes vary from job to job. Some employers have one stage where you just come in for a face-to-face interview and others have two or three stages which require a phone, face-to-face and sometimes a third interview too.
If you’ve got your first phone interview coming up – congratulations! Here are a few tips to help you get through to the next stage.
Keep calm and chat on
Don’t overthink things and let your mind run off worrying about how you sound. Just relax and talk normally like you would do if you were having a standard phone conversation.
Obviously this isn’t a ‘normal’ phone conversation as you’re being interviewed. Still, try to keep your mind relaxed; you’ll find your flow more naturally and avoid any awkward silences.
Find a comfy spot
A bonus with phone interviews is that you can be completely chilled in your outfit of choice. Fluffy pjs? Go on then. Onesie? Why not! Swimming costume? Well, erm, sure! Whatever you need to feel super comfortable and ready to take that call – do it!
Do your research
Just because it’s a phone interview doesn’t mean it’s not as serious as a face-to-face one. Make sure to do some research on the company, the job role and any typical interview questions. Have the company’s website open on your laptop during the interview so you can keep familiarising yourself with their brand and align your answers accordingly.
Keep your ears peeled
It can be easy to zone out when you’re on the phone and miss the end of a sentence. Remember to listen attentively throughout the call.
If you need the interviewer to clarify anything don’t be shy to ask them to repeat the question. However avoid asking multiple times as it will sound like you’re not giving them your full attention.
Sound enthusiastic
It may sound obvious but if you’ve never done a phone interview before this is easy to overlook. Remember to sound positive and show off your enthusiasm with your voice. You want to sound like the sort of person they want on their team.
Avoid yawning. Whatever you do, don’t mumble your responses. It’s important you take the time to pronounce your words clearly and speak slowly enough to be understood.
Slow and steady wins the race
It can be so easy to go off on one and start rambling and spilling your guts over every single amazing achievement you’re proud of. But remember to let the interviewer finish their sentence and take a breath before you answer the question.
Sometimes they can ask a question but continue to talk so give them a few seconds so you both don’t start talking at the same time – #awkward. Also, by giving yourself them extra few seconds you’ve got a chance to gather your thoughts about what you’re going to say.
Have a practice run
A practice run is useful, especially if this is your first ever phone interview. Ask a friend or family member to ask you common phone interview questions and answer them as if it’s the real deal. This will help you rehearse some answers and see if you are um-ing and ah-ing too much, or speaking too fast or too slow.
Fingers crossed you make it to the next stage. Good luck!
Haleema Khokhar also known as Kimi (a college nickname that stayed). is a journalism graduate working in the world of marketing and freelance writing. She loves animals, dance and a strong cup of tea. Check out her website and Twitter at @MyImpression_ you can also check out her personal Twitter at @KimiKhokhar
Inspiring Interns is a graduate recruitment agency which specialises in sourcing candidates for marketing internship roles and giving out graduate careers advice. To browse graduate jobs and graduate jobs Manchester, visit their website.