Tips To Cope With Driving To Work
- February 12, 2018
- Josie Clarkson
Road rage: the conversion of a well-mannered citizen into a venom-fuelled monster, especially prevalent during rush hour. This alone might put many people off driving to work.
It can affect even the calmest of drivers who, when confronted with obnoxious fellow road users, excessive traffic or unnecessary roadworks arrive at work in a foul and unproductive mood that may take hours – and several strong cups of coffee – to blow over.
Instead of succumbing to commuter road rage, follow these tips for a smoother and less stressful drive to work.
Brave the Backstreets
Taking the most direct route to work would seem the most logical approach as it should take the least amount of time, however, at peak times the main roads which may ordinarily be the quickest are now clogged with other commuters.
The average commuter travels 9.9 miles to work meaning they may only familiar with the main roads. Be one step ahead of the rest by learning a route via the back roads to cut the queues.
Skip School
Most employers expect their staff to arrive at work around 8-9am, but this coincides with the start time of most schools resulting in a fierce competition for road space between the commuters and the school run.
The balance of commuters to parents is tipped in favour of the school traffic the closer the proximity is to a school.
This congestion could be avoided by planning a route to bypass the areas nearest schools.
If, by the sheer volume of schools in the area, you are unable to map a successful route to dodge them, try leaving earlier or later than you would normally do to avoid the peak hours of traffic.
Most contracts offer flexitime, so starting earlier will also guarantee a premature release at the end of the day and more free-time in the evening.
Advert Avoidance
Aside from other cars, another contributor to the dreaded road rage is radio adverts. These drivers have the radio on to listen to music or tune in to the morning updates only to endure a disproportionate number of adverts.
These jingles are annoying enough when played once but are often repeated every break, amplifying the frustration.
But there is an answer: invest in an aux cord and create a playlist of your favourite music or download a podcast to play during your commute. This will ensure you only listen to what you want to, making the journey fly by.
Colleague Carpool
If the company of the radio doesn’t quite cut it for you, real-life companionship may prove a better option. Scout out which of your colleagues live nearest to you and offer to car-share with them.
Even if the traffic is horrendous and every red light is out to get you; a problem shared is a problem halved. Your colleague may even offer to contribute to your petrol expenses, reducing the cost of your commute. This is a handy tactic seeing as studies show that the average employee spends a sixth of their earnings on work-related costs, including commuting.
By making these small adjustments to your journey, your drive to work should become a less arduous experience, setting you up for a more productive and enjoyable day at work.