- August 25, 2009
- Hayato
Our fun-loving, hard-working and generous Founder and CEO, Ben Rosen, has been recognised once again for his efforts to beat the recession.
Our fun-loving, hard-working and generous Founder and CEO, Ben Rosen, has been recognised once again for his efforts to beat the recession.
It has been revealed in the news today (http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/98bd87f8-9045-11de-bc59-00144feabdc0.html) that The British Telecom Group PLC (BT Group) will not be recruiting graduates for the foreseeable future.
Having only been on an internship with Inspiring Interns for a week, one very important aspect of working with a start-up has really crystallised in my mind and this is the fact that is it crucial to be RESOURCEFUL.