- July 25, 2017
- Nikita Murva
In honour of the series' 20th anniversary, celebrated this year, what can we students learn from Harry and the gang? Sadly, Ms. Rowling cannot hold this lecture today.
In honour of the series' 20th anniversary, celebrated this year, what can we students learn from Harry and the gang? Sadly, Ms. Rowling cannot hold this lecture today.
Working from home is increasingly becoming an option for students and recent graduates.
For most, the final hurdle of education can be unnerving. All you know about universities is what you’ve heard from others and basic stereotypes. Let's sort the facts from the fiction.
For new undergraduates heading off to university, there may be a lot of fear as to what to take, what’s going to happen and whether you’re ready for the notorious ‘uni experience’.
English is a vast and extremely broad degree. You will quickly learn that you need to be very learned about pretty much everything. An English student keeps up with current affairs, reads a range of genres and authors, knows sociology and has to be able to read twice as fast as other students.
So you’ve made it through university - the drunken nights, dizzy mornings and dinners that will never match the quality of Mum’s. Your final year is upon you and its time for the dreaded assignment: the dissertation.
Interviews tend to be over- and underestimated. It seems that whoever you turn to for advice will be blasé or completely frighten you into not wanting to go. If you’re prepped, the interview should go smoother than just turning up and you’ll have a better plan of what you are going to say and how to answer difficult questions thrown your way.
It’s a running joke among school leavers and students that employers want work experience - but won’t give them the chance to gain it in the first place. So how can you create a C.V that’s enticing, condensed and sets you a part from the rest of potential employees?
Internships are a great way for under- and post-graduates to gain some experience and get a foot into the World of Work. But how can you make sure you’re always at the top of your game?
Saving money seems to be the most difficult part of student living. Having to pay for every tiny thing, from books to laundry to drinks, is taxing on you and your debit card.