- August 21, 2018
- Sam Woolfe
My journey as a freelance writer, as a full-time career, was never something I had planned.
My journey as a freelance writer, as a full-time career, was never something I had planned.
Mixed anxiety and depression is the most common mental health problem in the UK, with 7.8% meeting the criteria for diagnosis. On top of the struggles involved with these conditions there is the shame and embarrassment we feel about discussing it with others and seeking help.
There’s this idea that philosophy isn’t a ‘real degree’ (whatever that means). If you say to someone that you're pursuing this path, don’t be surprised to get a response like, “So what do you plan on doing with a philosophy degree?”
Writing may be one of your greatest passions, but it can be difficult to actually earn serious money from it. Here are some obstacles you’re likely to face as a budding freelance writer.
Effective altruism is a philosophy that is based on using reason and evidence in order to do the most good.
Being unemployed is no fun, to put it mildly. There is a sure-fire way, however, to use your free time in a constructive way. And that’s through volunteering.
Fewer employers are attaching much value to an applicant’s degree classification. Some even consider good grades irrelevant altogether.
Your colleagues will be around you for most of your day, five days a week. They're as important as anything you do on your computer. Here’s why who you work with can make all the difference, and how you can make sure – as best you can – that you’ll get along with everyone else in the office.
If you find that you’re becoming overly stressed at work, here are four ways you can reintroduce some calm back into your life.
Is the open-plan office really the best environment for getting work done? Writer Susan Cain doesn’t think so - at least, not for introverts.