Starting out in the world of work can be pretty daunting. You can prepare yourself as much as possible: polish those shoes, iron this shirt and comb that hair. What you can’t always be ready for are some of the stranger questions you might face during the interview.

Your CV is arguably the most important document you submit to potential employers, so it has to be really good to prevent it from being discarded. Writing such a crucial document is not an easy task and there are lots of websites available that are full of helpful information.

Maybe you’ve just finished the long slog of A-Levels, or your undergraduate degree. Or perhaps you’ve reached a point in your career and just need some time out. Either way, a gap year is always an option for you to consider.

For many, the situation is a result of leaving uni unsure what do with their degree, feeling unequipped for professional life or just not wanting to pursue a career in the field they studied in. In fact a recent study suggests that this scenario applies to almost half of all UK graduates.