- January 24, 2017
- Martin Greenacre
Considering a year abroad but not sure if the experience will make you more employable? Read on.
Considering a year abroad but not sure if the experience will make you more employable? Read on.
If you part of the one in ten students who spent “over £2,700 of their loan in the first fortnight”, you have probably been as broke as a joke for the last 2 months. If you’re tired of playing hide and seek with your student loan, here are a few tips to help.
With the 16-25 unemployment rate standing at almost 12% the post-university gap year is an increasingly popular trend. With many graduates facing the choice of working behind the counter on their local high street or 'finding themselves' on a rough and ready backpackers adventure, it seems a bit of a no-brainer.
Here are 5 of the main reasons why getting involved in societies is key to maximising the university experience.
It's January - the most popular month of the year for leaving a job. It can be daunting not knowing how to approach your boss, the best way to word your resignation or even what paperwork to expect when you leave. So here’s some practical advice on how to make the process go smoothly.
Whether you are self-employed, in an entry-level graduate position or stuck in limbo here are five ways to help you adjust to the new season of your creative journey.
As an English graduate, your options are as diverse as your vocabulary. Whether it’s to make you feel smug in your professional security or give you some guidance as to where to look, here’s a list of five of the most common English graduate jobs.
Your colleagues will be around you for most of your day, five days a week. They're as important as anything you do on your computer. Here’s why who you work with can make all the difference, and how you can make sure – as best you can – that you’ll get along with everyone else in the office.
If you feel like you’re struggling, don’t worry. Take a deep breath and see how the following tips can help you manage your time at university.
With groggy weather welcoming in 2017, it sometimes feels like an elaborate effort to get anything done! Here are some quick and easy ways to energise yourself throughout the day.