Resilience is often seen as a buzzword in job-hunting seminars and guides synonymous with the emphasis on ‘attitude’. Here are some tips for helping you utilise this ‘resilient’ temperament during the job hunt.

'It's the most wonderful time of the year' - but, as a student and graduate, it isn't always as relaxing as we'd hope. Before cracking into the mulled wine as a coping strategy, here are some top tips to get you through the holidays unscathed.

As one of Britain’s longest running soaps, EastEnders is a bit of an institution. Putting the dramatic storylines to one side, you can learn serious life lessons from the Square, particularly about the world of work…

According to LinkedIn, listings for social media professionals have exploded 1357% since 2010. But what does the job actually entail and, more importantly, are you qualified for it?