Whether you skip the 9AM lecture and sleep in till noon, or avoid arranging work meetings till you’ve had your third cup of coffee, not being a morning person can seriously suck.

Drinking isn't an essential part of the uni experience. Still, for the majority of students, nights out are a huge stretch on their budget. Students spend as much as £200 on drink in Freshers’ Week alone.

Sooner or later, your potential employer will want to see the proof in the pudding, and that's where the aptitude test comes in. While you won't find any answers to specific aptitude questions here, a few tips on tackling them in the general sense should suffice!

Are you finding that your first student loan has just vanished? Or perhaps you're struggling to explain what you've spent it on? The last few months of being credit card happy has finally caught up with you. You're poor. Oliver Twist poor.