Mornings. Everyone’s least favourite time of the day. Trains to catch, meetings to get to, things to be done. Heading into the day with a chaotic, unorganised routine can lead to a rushed, unproductive day.

Growing up is something that we all have to deal with. However, usually it just happens, and you don’t even notice it until a big change is about to occur. Then you realise that the safe, secure world of education that you have become accustomed to is about to end and you’re going to have to embark on a new journey.

Faced with the daunting task of sending out multiple copies of your CV and cover letter to many different potential employers, you may be thinking of taking a few short-cuts to speed up the whole process. It can be tempting to send out the exact same generic CV copy to every single employer on your list...

Whether you’re driving, walking, cycling or using public transport, the commute to work can be a long and boring one. But it doesn’t have to be this way! There are so many ways you can make your commute to and from work a productive one.

All our lives, we have been drilled about the importance of getting good grades. Get good grades so you can go to a good uni, go to a good uni so you can get a good job. But while this foolproof set of rules might apply to other subjects, it might not be one to follow when it comes to the arts.

Whilst the main reason to go to university is to graduate with a degree, you're also there to enjoy yourself and experience new things. Here are our top ten activities to add to your university bucket list to get the most out of your student experience.

With your uni routine in full flow and all of the trees slowly dying outside, you might be thinking: "Man, I want to get out of here!" Well, unfurl yourself from that blanket, my friend, because you've got some escape planning to do.