You're fresh out of uni and about to start your first day in the real working world. All the hours, days and months of job searching, writing tailored CVS and cover letters, preparing for job interviews, have been leading up to this moment.

You did all the prep, you practiced the questions and answers with your mate, you read about the company till you felt like the CEO and you know exactly what you're talking about. But when crunch time wheels round, you find yourself struggling to remember the name of the interviewer, let alone why you're good for the job.

Third year is intense with a capital I. There are constant deadlines, the work is more advanced and you’ve got plenty of revision to do. The important thing to remember is that you WILL survive and get that degree.

Taking a gap year can give you the real-world experience you need before settling down into work or study. A gap year well spent will give you the freedom to develop your subject area, travel and earn a bit of cash along the way too.