- December 20, 2022
- Marketing Team
New Year, New Job?
New Year, New Job?
So, you’ve reached your third year of university – all of those hours spent writing essays and revising for exams have almost come to an end – but you have one final hurdle to accomplish: the all-important final-year dissertation.
You have studied hard to get into university – only to find out that all universities are ranked in league tables.
In the months leading up to graduation, you may be stressing about transitioning into the workplace and finding internships.
As much as graduate job and internship interviews are stressful, waiting to hear back about them for days afterward is just as bad!
In the age of social media, it has never been more important for businesses to use online platforms as a marketing tool to grow their company.
An interview is a make-or-break stage of getting your dream job – it is the final hurdle of impressing your employer and getting the call you want.
“What can you bring to the company?” is a common question asked in most interviews.
Standing out on LinkedIn can be a hard task.
The job market is extremely competitive.