La la Land is a beautiful, tear-jerking and, surprisingly, quite realistic depiction of what life is for those, unafraid to chase after their dreams no matter the obstacles and struggles they have to endure along the way. Yet, there’s something about the stages that the main characters go through that are reminiscent of university experience too.

A dissertation is essentially an essay on steroids - typically, they involve a large amount of independent research and a lot of writing. The process is long, stressful and usually encompasses these 8 phases:

You've been given all the revision advice in the world; new techniques, highlighters, flash cards, practice papers and much more. But sometimes it is your lifestyle choices that can lead to more productive revision and ultimately better exam results.

Going to university gives many people the chance to be let loose from the shackles of parental concern. For many, this means going to the city and shrugging off sleep like a habit best forgotten. But what about rural unis?

We all know the drill – you say that you’ll “pack less” this time, and somehow you’re always trying to cram everything + your kitchen sink in the night before. Cram no more!

Internships are a great way for under- and post-graduates to gain some experience and get a foot into the World of Work. But how can you make sure you’re always at the top of your game?