- November 13, 2020
- Marketing Team
What is more tiresome than having to make your way through a large pile of CVs to find a shortlist of candidates?
What is more tiresome than having to make your way through a large pile of CVs to find a shortlist of candidates?
So, we are in lockdown…
“Too much uncertainty” “No employers are recruiting” “There is no more I can do” ~There’s no way I can get a job now” “It’s crazy to think about recruitment in such times of uncertainty”, maybe it’s best to wait until this is all over …….NO!
Many employers do not realise the impact a job description may have on an impressionable viewer.
Everyone can use a mentor.
Life can be stressful.
Okay, so the 9-5 work day in your graduate job is the time to be serious right?
Are you as creative now as you were when you were a child?
It is sad to walk through life and experience work as empty, dreadful, a chore, sapping energy out of your body and soul, yet many employees do.
Whether you are a manager, teacher, physician, nurse or counsellor, you are a leader in your organisation and community.
We do not consider happiness to be a momentary emotional state like amusement or pleasure, and we don’t think you can arrive at happiness by stringing together a stream of positive experiences.