- September 29, 2017
- Haleema Khokhar
It’s not all werk werk werk, no matter what Rihanna says. Study breaks are essential when it comes to your overall productivity. But what to do when the weather isn’t on your side and you’re stuck in your flat?
Got a touch of first day nerves The transition between jobs can be a tough one, all anticipation and worry Of course, most people feel exactly the same emotions on a first day; you're stepping on unknown territory,....
It’s not all werk werk werk, no matter what Rihanna says. Study breaks are essential when it comes to your overall productivity. But what to do when the weather isn’t on your side and you’re stuck in your flat?
The word dissertation is enough to send shivers down any student’s spine. Dissertations will be the biggest project you will have to do while you’re at uni; for some, it's an entire year's work.
Student life can be a real stress. So why not make your time easier with some fun apps to keep you motivated and organised?
What food do you think of when you imagine student living? Kebabs, chips, pot noodles? Cheap and cheerful, but not all that healthy.
Late night chats, 3AM toastie-making and wild house parties are some of the highlights of living under one roof with your best mates. It can also be the cause of ultimate friendshipicide.
We all dream of finding the One. No, not *that* One.
As cliché as it sounds, time spent travelling can teach you a lot about yourself. It helps you learn and grow, and puts you in situations that you never thought you’d be able to cope with.
Taking a gap year can give you the real-world experience you need before settling down into work or study. A gap year well spent will give you the freedom to develop your subject area, travel and earn a bit of cash along the way too.
Anxious students hunch over their laptops navigating between tab after tab of a million career path websites. Others immerse themselves in binge watching, binge eating and binge ignoring the problem altogether. But what if you don’t want to pay a monthly subscription to procrastinate?