- March 10, 2017
- Martin Greenacre
Looking for a job – particularly your first graduate job – can be a daunting experience. This is only intensified if you decide you want to work in a foreign country.
In the current environment of Brexit and devalued degrees, it can seem impossible to get a job after university In many fields the key to getting a job is who you know rather what you know In others, an....
Looking for a job – particularly your first graduate job – can be a daunting experience. This is only intensified if you decide you want to work in a foreign country.
Fancy the idea of pursuing higher education in the good ‘ol Uncle Sam but don’t exactly know how to go about it? Fear not, it’s not as complicated as it might seem! Here’s what you need to know about how (and why) to become a student in America.
When it comes to the keys to success, wouldn’t we all like a set cut from Sir Richard’s? But the real question is: what does the multi-billionaire know of the road to happiness?
Job applications aren't the most riveting past-time, but there are some parts of the process that are nothing less than infuriating!
As a philosophy grad, you may be wondering which employment sector is right for you. After all, there are few employers seeking “professional philosopher”. Luckily, you have gained a skillset perfectly suited to these 5 job sectors.
Last year it was reported that students lost £32 million in rental deposits when they moved out of their student digs. Moving houses in university can be stressful enough without being sucker punched by receiving a tiny deposit or confronted with a giant increase in rent. Follow these simple steps and survive living in rented properties.
Coming from a technical background, most of your education will have centered around hard skills, like programming or engineering. But you’ll need to master a different set of skills — soft skills — to survive adult life in the workplace. So, here are 6 essential soft skills to focus on when preparing for your next job.
Thinking of taking a year out? Brilliant; doing something useful with a gap year can often be what sets you apart from other graduates. That is of course depending on what you do with your year off.
According to a 2013 report by education charity The Sutton Trust, entering the job market with a postgraduate degree will boost your earnings by “approximately £5,500” a year. Which, on the surface, looks good. But is all the extra work worth it?