- November 27, 2016
- Lucy Moore
Dig out your deerstalkers and let’s see what we can learn from the great consulting detective…
So your CV worked its magic and now you’ve got an interview! That new job is so close you can smell it or is that the smell of cold, fearful sweat The prospect of selling yourself to a board of important strangers....
Dig out your deerstalkers and let’s see what we can learn from the great consulting detective…
Do you have a sense of dread as you head into work on a daily basis? Here are five reasons why you should consider returning to university as a full-time Mature Student.
Be your own boss, work your own hours, choose your own biscuit selection - there’s no doubt about it, working for yourself is a very appealing notion. But is it the one for you?
From the standpoint of a new hire, a great onboarding process removes much of the stress that often comes with starting a new job. But how to speed it up?
Passionate about the environment? Environmental consultancy might be the right fit for you.
Drama grad? Here are four ways to make a living that don't involve scraping around agents' doorsteps.
If there’s one word that sends all students into panic mode it’s ‘exam’. To make sure you’re revising effectively it’s helpful to be aware of the common mistakes students make. If you want to have the best chance of succeeding in your exams, you need to remember these 5 key things.
With that time of the year coming up where you are either applying for summer internships or graduate schemes, one of the steps of the long application process for certain jobs is the assessment centre.
There are clear ups and downs to applying and doing a Master’s degree. Is it right for you? Read on...