- July 29, 2018
- Cristina Trujillo
Trying to lose weight?
In the hunt for the perfect job, there are often things that get forgotten The size of the company you'd like to work for is one of them, and it's important So, what questions should you be asking yourself when you....
Trying to lose weight?
Starting something new like a blog can sometimes seem a little daunting.
If you were to ask me what I wanted to do with my career when I left education then you would have been faced with a very confused expression and a shrug of the shoulders.
Receiving job rejection emails is nothing new to graduates.
Being a freelancer gives you plenty of opportunities to do something you’re good at and something you love, but there can be no doubt that certain aspects of working for yourself are tough.
I completed my Degree in Events Management in 2009 and had my sights set on a career in this area.
I’m sure by now you’ve heard of the ketogenic diet, based on the Atkins diet, as it’s been blowing up all over the internet with many people claiming their dramatic weight loss and improved health is down to this strict way of eating.
Your Curriculum Vitae is as unique as you!
So you spent weeks preparing for an interview and you’ve just found out they’ve chosen someone else.