- March 6, 2018
- Henna Patel
Content Writing is similar to Copywriting.
Job-hunting was the next big adventure after university Like many, I thought I would be more than ready for it After all, I’ve got a degree from a respectable university, relevant work experience, a decent CV… I....
Content Writing is similar to Copywriting.
Post-graduates often feel an intense pressure to land their dream job immediately after university.
Finishing anything that has lasted more than a few weeks can be daunting at the best of times, let alone 3 years of university.
You get an email notification – one new message from your favourite employer, responding to your application.
Looking for a job?
The European Commission Blue Book Translation Traineeship is one of several European Union programmes taking place across different countries and institutions.
With deadlines fast approaching and your university days numbered, you may be concerned that your CV is not sufficient enough to enter you into the working world.
Keeping the environment at the forefront of your mind can be hard when faced by the seemingly endless obstacles of student life, whether it be your intensifying workload, your horrific spending habits or that mould by your window that’s spreading faster than the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
Although the internet is full of advice on how to create the perfect CV, the truth is there’s no one definitive way to style it; after all, some people have begun to favour ‘creative CVs’ – which can be anything from an infographic to an elaborate illustration, a milk carton to a billboard.