- February 17, 2018
- Victoria Nufer
Societies are great fun and a must if you want to really engage at university.
When you’re looking for jobs related to animals the first and obvious option is to become a Vet Vets are usually the first point of contact when an animal needs care As a vet you need to be able to deal with the....
Societies are great fun and a must if you want to really engage at university.
Job applications can be tedious.
As a student working in the library, animals and birds can seem like remote concerns.
University is the perfect time to develop on yourself and grow as an individual.
As an English student, you’re often the subject of a few puns; your degree, apparently, being the punch line.
For many people, landing that dream job is the culmination of several years of studying, followed by a relentless stream of applications, interviews and rejections.
There’s a large percentage of the population who suffer from phobias and one of the biggest fears is public speaking.
The job market is not easily navigated.
So we’ve all heard about jobs that allows you to cuddle kitten all day which, for a cat lover is heaven.