Search Results for: careers advice

- October 16, 2016
- Katie Watson
Feeling put-upon at work? You might have yourself a classic case of the workplace bully.

- October 15, 2016
- Sam Woolfe
Gen Y spends £16bn a year on travel abroad. Here's how to spin travel to your advantage in a job application.

- October 14, 2016
- Joshua Downes
These days, more and more people are attending university than ever before.

- October 13, 2016
- Susannah Keogh
Freshers Weeks everywhere have either just ended or just beginning, and we can bet one thing- you’ve already sold your soul (and your bank balance) to dozens of societies.

- October 11, 2016
- Nikhil Lakhani
Trying to find a way into the film industry? Fear not, this is not as intimidating as you might think. Here are 4 steps you could follow to establish yourself and eventually become a producer.

- October 10, 2016
- Lily Wu
Scratching your head at the mere mention of this essential tool? Lily has you covered.

- October 8, 2016
- Sophie Dainty
Being rejected after a job interview can severely dent your confidence. It is common to tortuously dwell on being turned down, whilst often forgetting the bigger picture. Here are six tips for getting back on the job hunt treadmill after a job rejection.