Search Results for: careers advice

- December 8, 2017
- Victoria Nufer
It's hard and nerve-wracking to sell yourself in person but, thanks to the wonderful world of the internet, it's made that little bit easier. Still, there's work to be done when promoting yourself online.

- December 7, 2017
- Rosie Fitzgerald
So you’ve finished university and now you’re looking for your dream job. You’ve signed up to all the agencies and every day your inbox is being bombarded with potential careers. It's all too much... or is it?

- December 6, 2017
- Marketing Team
There’s nothing worse than graduating with revving potential… then stalling for years in a low-level job.

- December 5, 2017
- Marketing Team
A well-written resume will showcase your education, experience, and qualifications so that hiring managers will be eager to bring you in for interviews.

- December 4, 2017
- Laura Slingo
We all need to blow off steam once in a while, and the holidays are the perfect time to do just that. You get to see friends and family, catch up and celebrate. But before you know it, it’s the New Year and you’re straight into exam season.

- November 29, 2017
- Gemma Callaghan
Ways of getting jobs, meeting friends and staying in touch with people have moved on with the progress of technology. Everyone’s online these days, profiles on various different sites updating the world about what they’re doing and who they’re with. And this can be said for job hunting as well.

- November 24, 2017
- Gemma Callaghan
Fascinated by the glossy world of editorial? Fancy yourself as a writer or proof reader? Here are a few skills you need to know first.

- November 22, 2017
- Gemma Callaghan
Stepping out into the world of work can be an exciting time. There are so many possibilities and different avenues you can venture down - but have you considered an internship?

- November 22, 2017
- Kathryn Terry
As an English grad, you may be keen on interning at a publishing house to gain some editing experience. And why not, if you feel most at home when surrounded by books?

- November 17, 2017
- Laura Slingo
Growing up is something that we all have to deal with. However, usually it just happens, and you don’t even notice it until a big change is about to occur. Then you realise that the safe, secure world of education that you have become accustomed to is about to end and you’re going to have to embark on a new journey.