tips for an engaging cover letter

Your cover letter is likely to be the first thing that a recruiter will read about you.

the job hunt

In the hunt for the perfect job, there are often things that get forgotten.

Receiving job rejection emails is nothing new to graduates.

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Browse our live marketing roles here.

master's degree

Studying doesn’t stop after graduation!

recruitment agencies

Every job faces huge competition so job seekers must utilise as many avenues as possible when searching for a new job.

summer jobs

Are you starting the summer with your bank balance looking a bit sorry for itself? 

Music society at university

American Teen movies have a lot to answer for in shaping our perception of clubs and societies on campuses.

Here you are, a young butterfly fresh out of your cocoon and already you are being asked to choose what you want to do for the rest of your life.

want to work in finance

Finance is a notoriously difficult sector to break into.