
Societies are great fun and a must if you want to really engage at university.

girl working on laptop
  • February 16, 2018

Job applications can be tedious.

wild bird uk

 As a student working in the library, animals and birds can seem like remote concerns.

Unlike some recruitment agencies who have nothing to “sell you” to companies but your CV and their word, here at Inspiring Interns, we do things a bit differently.


You may not have heard of the term before, but ‘soft skills’ are becoming more and more integral to employers who want to sort the wheat from the chaff when it comes to potential candidates!


Whether you’ve been working somewhere for one month or one year, losing your job is really stressful and can be a lonely feeling.

iphone apps

It’s rare to walk across campus and not see a sea of students with their heads in their smartphones.

aptitude test

Having a killer CV and skillfully written cover letter just doesn’t seem to hack it in the job-hunt anymore!

saying goodbye

There comes a time when, regardless of how much you love it, you must say farewell to a good job.

paris internship abroad

Being an intern in a foreign country is a huge boost to any CV and professional profile.