Your CV is arguably the most important document you submit to potential employers, so it has to be really good to prevent it from being discarded. Writing such a crucial document is not an easy task and there are lots of websites available that are full of helpful information.

Whether you're looking for work but don’t have a lot of experience, or trying to get into a new industry, you are not alone. And that gives you all the more reason to make sure your CV shines.

“I can’t get a job because I have no experience because I can’t get a job because-” Sound familiar? Luckily, there are ways around the situation.

You should never underestimate the importance of using numbers on your CV. StandOut CV have produced a useful guide highlighting 14 important numbers for your CV that can give you a great insight into what recruiters are looking for.

Before you start approaching recruiters and employers, you need to make sure that your CV is flawless.

Are you sending out the same stale CV over and over and not getting any responses? It could be time to freshen up.

Bored of the standard 1-2 A4 pages, Times New Roman, PDF/Word CV submission? Us too. Why not shake things up a little? While there's no guarantee that any of the below will actually get you a job, they’ll certainly get you noticed.

If you’re looking for a graduate role that gives you the chance to work on exciting projects with leading brands, then digital marketing could be the career for you. But to land a job in digital marketing, you will need to have an impressive CV that attracts recruiters and impresses employers.

Our friends at StandOut CV have come up with a handy infographic on how to give your CV that extra oompf:

Follow our five top tips to ensure that your CV design is up to scratch before applying for a job.